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NASA tools and X

so my site was on blackout for a day/night, but  thanx 2 my coder the talented mr urbankid,that performed his operation its back and alive! I visualized something awsume i wanted yesterday, it was straight in the bulleye!  Thinks I  need to keep in focus to move towords it, that can be a buzz when full tank motivated, and difficult with digital noise around! But i have a carrot and if i get it guess depends on my own efficiancy and asskick! reading this connected book in between …”long term happiness depends 50% on a persons genetic set points, 10% on circumstances…and 40% and what they choose to think and do..” christakis & today im just trying to stay focused and of nicotine and on honeywater is mindcrossing…

“But how do you “tune in” to just one thought or idea and ignore all the rest of what is going on around you, until it comes time to think of something else? more on brain filter

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