from the visual munch of dvein Dvein: F5 Titles from F5 on Vimeo.
Author Archives: kaerolina
threw => to blog point3recurring
retro cream
can the past be modified by present, and future the now? nadia planted.. retrocausuality mindweaving threw, can some people only see in 2d? whoot dimension is cut out?
heatweaved view
by okuda
time la6
Lately filming in cuts a transformation of a studio, and think its curious to how to narrow a long time line into a fast fwd instant would be intresting to see our own time lapse, maybe we do in the end, but as well to see it in the fractals of it all, and ownContinue reading “time la6”
colored stone vs stone colored
by andrew clark
made by lunocet snatched threw nextnature
focus (.)
from multple channels, windows, multitasking, pararell info injection, how doeas the wired and weblifted gen focus? focus from Castll on Vimeo.
The importance of ending-points, where ideas turn to reality, concepts does vitality, grid of thought to finishing a thought plot, from imagination to the ending sensation focus station. Warped Stellation by matt shlian studies of polyhedra
in the making
so if there is a maker inside of us trying to make something, what is it really that we are trying to make? create? construct? envision? reform? remake? what is it we would really like to make? is it just the pleasure of making? if u would have a blank sheet and a week onContinue reading “in the making”