reflections,how we judge, polish vodka, new ppl, all good, mail from from svg going venesuela! bout amazing ppl leaving what was and anjoying new nows…f**k ur a beautiful pair!
so many things to experienxe, so many places to see, some people dweling of their past, not wanting to let it go, every probblemm has many solutions..many sides, and we need them in order to jump fwd…surrounded by beautiful hearts! speaking the haert and smiling away! into the now…my other reality…life is curious..ppl taking chances to the unknown…the beauty within..i make mistakes every single day! and i like them! couse even when difficult and seem bad, our problems and mistakes are good! thay are all a pert of who we are…(even though i sometimes have short memory loss, and get into the same mistakes over and over again..) but guess it make u evelove at some point!? guess it can have many sides…enjoy the mistakes in the life, couse they can make u discover new things…if we let them….smoking oiutside with computerino..kinda sucks couse have to get out from the sleepover crew, but good 😉 life is what u make it to be…
more sinatra…
isnt it carazy that u can connect for a sigarette(lighting a new one—), and jsut post the thoughts into ciberspace?¿ think its kinda cool, and sinatra, new ppl, soulmates rock my world…and its full of suprises, if u let it..if we manage to open up…the everchanging draems, moments and realities! i guess its alll confusing..the life thing thing…guess its about something, loose my thread, dont reaaly know what im babling bout..doesnt really matter…in for the rollecoster..and all what may bring… just a smile for life 😉
muakkka! 3rs sig halfways…wanna get in again! fun whenm many ppl sleepover..know have more time….thats life!