Le Hammond Inferno – Speech Default
Category Archives: anime
blueberry sky breeze
Sitting here, while friends siestaing and refueling for night… Enjoying the sky breeze and wifisurf alimentation… Stars shinig and sky very darkblue, above there is some strange mixture of african and asian fusion sounds, and the clouds are kinda pinkish..all the lights on the other rooftops are muuted, and venus is hanging out again…It createsContinue reading “blueberry sky breeze”
funkette flowerette
Came across this visual nature hybrid on youtube, has a certain fairytail rawness flair to it…. i like it.. —– 2006-03-06 – 15:15 have discovered the crazy little world of weirdo flowers hidden in places around the earth, amazing imaginary, looks like from another world;)
Bonobo – Flutter
pouring rain…
its rainig… am trapped at work with my flip flops..hmmmm need a transportation ultrasonic vehicle now! zooom zooom.. getting vertigo…
Nightbuss 0
*(update) Modul from Zhestkov on Vimeo. got out of work and late at night and inside a nightbuss 0, never thought that existed, so taking this nulled buss, watching the city..ghetting almost home, but forgot keys again, so go around to buzz, and meet a guy met in a shop and his girl, ended upContinue reading “Nightbuss 0”