Category Archives: muzika
song by normalites and visual mash by DreamExess / there are songs that get to us, catchy..others, where the lyrics just get under the skin…states, memories, melancholy, feelings, motivations, familiar waves, inspirations…then the beats that just makes the whole body happy, angry, sad, searching for a rythm..they say we always look for the rythm weContinue reading “2010 SPACE MAASHUP LUV”
Theres undoubtfully nothing like the traditional sound and way, but this gallactic guitar has a intresting minimal visual string, check outs the video at misadigital
animated gif threw phantomoftheradio and old pic from unknown source and artist audioreactive – magneto from jorinna on Vimeo. as fred astaire danced in the rain inside the black box, I used to playdance as a kid in the livingroom! I always wanted to start stepdancing, and even found a school 2 years ago, butContinue reading “TIME SCRATCH MUSIQ”
Muon launch from Chris O’Shea on Vimeo. sent in by mr wavekid Where is the panorama on sound compliments going? From sound installations, sound sculptures, sensored beats, connected experiences, operas with 3d worlds (..) that transform to a different virtual enchanted world, perfumed injections and other senses..Is it going the right way? How does technology enhanceContinue reading “SPEAKER CORNER”
“audio driven landscape”
How does that first song of the day effect the rest of the days flowscape? Audio-generated landscape from flight404 on Vimeo. more at flight404 blog
colored sounds
if u would see music in colors, what colors would they be? CDEFGABC from lernert Engelberts on Vimeo.
threw => to blog point3recurring
timeless sound
flowzy string interiorizingcream
elbe philharmonik to open gates in 2012, hamburg. visuals seem quite floxy,.. vitual tour clicking here