tomorow officially the seasons change, should new year be moved to this date? various opinions, but it feels good, its been a long winter wonderland! time to stretch out again *O.=*
Category Archives: x all
lightning effect
curious how the light breakes down into new shapes, stumple on some intresting visual experimentation julioleparc
somewhere strange
the nature of my space today..
This week has been quite a nutter, think yings yangs have been dragging me on a rollercoaster of human nature, many exterior stuff that makes mi mind go a little bazooka, from airy conversations to a very strange little old sophisticated homeless ladette that I in some way, ended inviting to my home, and learningContinue reading “the nature of my space today..”
The wake ups and balancing spider
Opening pupils first round at 7 and, right before boys came home from hip hops I was waking up to the early hop hop start of the day. In the between’s, to the new moon and the night turning day. I find the early morning mist switch stitch stretching itself, and birds slowly blowing theirContinue reading “The wake ups and balancing spider”
slow motion
think attracktion of the slow motion visuals, is the fluidity of it, aswell as the different perspective, we normally don´t perceive… this is awsumishh! slow motion whoooaaooo! pluss more z gravity luv
sleepsing away thee flue
soo, after a fullblown week of work and mornig dosage of the best mornig shakes ever (melon, watermelon and honay)energy reload after adventures on new islands… i enjoyed the empty house, and my own thoughts and getting mi braino together and amongs other.. yet at some moment decided to escape to a more sunny enviromentContinue reading “sleepsing away thee flue”
visual gravity
izz strange how after party sessions many times the day after i get this urge for searching curious and strange stuff of nature, have many folder by now with the funky, strange, beautiful and curious visualina,its like cleaning up the heado with some nature medisina, (that doesn´t mean that just post inspirational stuff on hangovers;)Continue reading “visual gravity”
alination of los planetas hoy por la noche
articulo de lavanguardia
hooverboard for sale at ebay!! aiiiii!!!!
source: engadget