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layered design & lifestyle


need some rest, am tired…want to pijama lounge and sleep….have a flight ticket! yeah! bubblebaths! but gonna gonna be a loooong day….bazooka and roundups


had a bet would get in to work before 10:00! and hehe! managed to do…was an awsome morning stroll! s try to take a different route to work as mucha as can, to get something new out of the way(..) but today was kinda freezing and this mornin sun was warmin it all up! mmm..Continue reading “sunray”

chaotic slamming

inside head..head hurts! crazy night tried out brain needs waterfalls.. mmmmmm concert! fly fly fly! but overflew it ** instruments, photo session binstruments.. nice crew, hope for slowing down to a more quiet life? dream thinkin bout this wekkend in cph¿? oslo 2 days + stavanger or direct early home go?¿? hmm..bazoooka! should get serious..blahhh…italinanoContinue reading “chaotic slamming”

foto viva

so if imagine if had this super fly camera, and would make one picture right now.. a picture of u today , anywhere.. with who wish.. in any situation, whatever actually…where would u be, how would it be, how would the sceenery and all be? how would u feel? what music would play? or soundsContinue reading “foto viva”