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futurette 2/2

holiday untill monday…barcelona is nice with all these days off…so poeple wondering of to ny, naples and hitting the some slopes….sopposed to be in the showerette and getting ready for the outnight…but got some strange wine in my blood after meeting and head kinda and just feel weird! stupid overcharged bad winooo! urggghhh! guess just need to funk up the music and the volume and will make it …and a painkillah for my head! but just so goood sitting here under the stars! with the hoodie, mr rea and a sigg! dont really feel like going out…lookin fwd som much for this long weekendo..what is happening too me!!!!! whay??? should hipnotize my headache away!! drivin home for crismas..,,

sooo really think bout stop posting this blog and all these stuff im my head…and all these videos, but am kinda hoocked an writing lately…write in my blog, my A3 diary, my minuture diary, papers flying around in work, my big drawing block, my arms, was thinking should write on a wall somehere,”booze with friends, connect with soulmates and fly with lovers” should maybe think a little before i write, but not quite the planner of thoughts….man i can talk a lot, did u know the amount of words gals use compared to guys daily….well I have this book neuro girl and boy sciences! and it be a whole damn lot moooore words, it like guys can think bout it, we neeeeed to VERBELIZE it alll! even though were equibilirating…soo readin this book
“”…which have been sipping on for some time and started on the “futures” found in my mooving boxes, great prologue…but dont havent gotten soo far in that one ()… this last one has a funky prologue strarting of questioning if ever remeber the first contact with the future…and how it was?¿?

mine was in cityette wroclaw in polonia, it was one of those sunday dinners at grannies house…couse remeber thewhole bunch was there…was around 4 or 5 years big, before i got along and moved down with my teddy garfield which i supergluedd my lego flowers on and my lovely pillow and moved along to fjordlandia…anyways…remeber hiding “halfwayz” between the fingers to this superscary and exiting and amazingly curious movie, bout this kinda maid android that had this door, or rotating “dreawer” in the stomach and would pull out weird stuff from it!! it was sooooo scary..and sooooo fascinating!! yeah! was my first time as long as can remeber, think ET came later on and melted my heart…and i got hoocked on the imaginary world of the futures..guess found it also the most craetive one visually…with all that newness to it and then all the love for blobs and organic and the sciences, van danican books and all that crazy stuff that makes u fly away…

if i wouldn´t have gone into this forms and design path, think would be a crazy scientist…but never to late! have figured out i wish for a telecope, or just to try one for some days to see the sky from a different lense…hmmm…okay….gotta go! need to figure out what to do with my night…..