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layered design & lifestyle



threw todayandtomorrow´s blog

fire to make an image? how many techniques and ways is there to making a picture? orr any other thing? how will that panorama change with the new science and technology? how much with simplicity of what was always front of us? but  winded passed unnoticed? etsuko ichikawa makes paintings with fire and heat(…)! how much do we not notice around us? where do we focus our attention? how blind seeing am I ?


from flicker stream checkout

i just digs this flowbeat! it started as a child where i had these tremendous blobby visuals in my head, gigaaantic oversized visual flows. First i got scared cause i thought i was having a heartbreak or something, then i started to lov´em. After then living along wooden structures, where these shapes jump up in every wood slice, and i got hooked! it wasn´t so easy to find stuff bout it back then, but now with info spread i manage to feed my curiosity, so wanted to share on of the favorite pieces by roxy pain, there´s an interview about him here, the machines are spraying the sculpture in random, so it kinda machine made but still increadibly flowzy and blobby, which is one of the artists central threads “the tension between organic and man-made environments” more recent pieces include Dendroids based on vascular networks, tree roots, industrial piping, and fungal mycelia

legolayered face


lego play taken a step further, build houses in lego? a playground? whatever one sets the mind to? forming own realities? shapes and buidingbloks? is the net faceless? which faces do we share? hide? expose? stairs in lego? a car? what would u legofy? check out a the lego master for more dimensions blogged by boredpanda