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layered design & lifestyle


I smashed a glass shade yesterday, an hour later a new lampshade took shape, with a collaborative spirit!  In the same timezone tried slowly and subtly and repeatedly detaching a frame from a 50´s tv without destroying, which ended up in going around and almost waiting for tomorrow, when a motivating voices came and impulsed a instant hammer  grab and smash in the last minute , that led to it to a new musical frame bar piece! The glass got broken on them both, but the lamp got a warmer and foxier feel and the tv for sure will trasmitt delicious music from its insides of them wooden frames than it has done for years…


moment snatch by Craig Ward

in the middle

As zero gravity of bouncing and slow motion movements exists, along with the gravity we are used to here on earth, what about other gravities? is there a +1, +20 gravity, is our gravity in the middle? and what would it be the middle of? would we be supersonicly fast in +1 gravity, or compressed to extrem heavyness?


Falling asleep with a bunch under the sky addicted on old movies seen last when could barely speak, with visitors and new inputs and much comedy from  the homeyland, makes us transport to the other realities for a little while, from the other side of the movemented snatchers in plasma coats, a spikee lee movie Where the Wild Things Are coming out, to burtons alice in wonderland stirring the imaginary world, to the tron remake zooming threw soon, some visulal candy to look fwd to… and as dowloads increase, cinematic screening shifts slowly to the 3d much can we change the experience of screening movies? tbc..

the head quarter

from the effects of brain on music, threw positive psychologies from carnagie to whatever hits well the antennas, how individuallly equipped is the brain , and what common patterns from age to neuroplasticity does it follow? if one was to snap an interior of your operational headquarters what would it look like?


pic by martin miller snatched at  iso50 blog


Roots manuva slime and reason by oscar & evan


found this some where/sometime looking for xanadu, but dont really know where..