christopher griffith clean razor cut photography cathes the eye, still having this pic in
my oldie schetchbook , curious to pass it again, and check out his other momentos…
source booooooom
christopher griffith clean razor cut photography cathes the eye, still having this pic in
my oldie schetchbook , curious to pass it again, and check out his other momentos…
source booooooom
Bonobo ft Bajka – Walk In The Sky
curious how the light breakes down into new shapes,
stumple on some intresting visual experimentation
There is something bout the kinetics land, attraction to movement, structure, the spiral movement? the perspectives?slowmotion?
found this visualina and think its pretty neat!!
“Kinetic art is art that contains moving parts or depends on motion for its effect” wikipedia
Came past these dancing little one´s while googling for the ear forms…one flowzy bodypart cuming up!!!
Morning brain heads, just loving the moments of bedding!!! cool how one start´shrinking thinking about nightdream visuals and it and then the other hidden dream just pop´s up…
huh..yepp, been busy jumping -flying- fast fwd cruising in the planet in space tonight..hmmm, yes,mental state is doing better here…anyways just wanted to post this video i came past… with the whooping grande movemetns of elastic jumping, and great camera man capture! long live lemure dancers!!