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layered design & lifestyle


so , yes, need too get some alpha alpha down here in ciberspace, from all the days going bannanas lately and the definite therory that no normallity exists in this world (and the fact that if a pesron would tag himself as normal, already proves the opposite) i am trying to get some lines down into this strange virtual diary, so with the taste of the latenight foodo, and a new can of bear swishing threw the space, i hereby feel like writing a someting , and loves the fact that don´t really know quite good what it will be about… the stars have gone to sllep and venus that is always shinig from the terassette and upon my lovely new blow up pool, that the bannanas wild cat is yet once again clawin into in semi way putting his claws in the puffy edges, trying to investigate what is actually going on within the boundies of the pool, time after time…the air of my puffed up pool is squeeking for help, yet since the cat has a life of his own, i guess his curiocity is nonstopeble, i have been trying to understand many things lately, and guess my curiocity never gets full, (where apart from life, strange curiocities of lifo, and the facts have discoverde the string theory and the wrutten brain transmitts of the imposible of the ever so possible by michio kaku anyways, hope i could get the last months down in the alphagrrove, so i wouldn´t forget my experiences, and could get back to the writings once apother time, by guess stick to presents,,,hmm..need music though..

yes that gets me backflippoing to the this…opposites atrackt, yes, couse we find a strange balance, then again alikes repel or atract, depending on the state of mind..either total disaster couse of the magnet poles going bannanas and misunderstanding, or total funky fusion thatbreak limits yet again!! isn´t it strang eand fascinating with all these peoples we encounter and how we fusion or repel…
,everything brings something new to the big picture! but the fascination of it all is just funni hunni!! guess we are all on the serach for something, and then something totaly oposiry, its like the interior poles go circulating all the time, now this, way, now yet anothe, searching for a different mix al the time..moment..yes, that is moveble planet internaly changing poles all the time, guess that makes like new all the time…hehe…seaching for something different all the time, the dinamic search, the everchanig, that might give a kick in the but too all the order and profiling, yes, there will always be trends, or majorities of something, but then again the black swans go lurking with a flirtatious eye right after…

the lovely black swan has a way of it´s own, and guess that that these little ones, make the changes like the butterflies in the thories of chaos, yeeahhh! from white to black they rock my world..alimet the soul with new inputs, guess its the stuff that makes me wanna dance and write, and draw and take out scissors and spraycans, those little black swan experiences…that make me feel alive, though it is strange hat they are never blue or black or orange, or rainbow colored, white or black swans…just like the black and white fotography that have that extra moody touch…hmmm..

and this is how my had might feel like after few houres of sleep manana..


i am currently superglued to the hardware, wish some days would go slower, slow motion, a little more elastified out!! and that all my technology wouldnt crash all at once… always kinda get sincronizes itself, my mobilino has crashed down, or gotten drunk on some wine the other day, not really sure..hmmm, the other new mobile refuses to charge itself, my computerino is getting older and the charger was flowzing out smoke…and i somehow manage to open it up with clothing scissors and needles and tape and glue it together, but think its having a life on its own, i´v gotten this pc jumped to the home, but am going bananas with the system wrap, aiiii, yet soo many hours of work left… think need to recharge my own system too… and there´s this funky bird sittin outside and lookin like a smooth criminal outside my window, catching the last rays of sunshine..hmmm..wonder who looks like the smart one…
so was thinking and writing about islands (..) yesterday before going to sleep, and how they actually work in our minds, kinda fun…
guess its like the birds, they have the ultimate freedom aura floating around them… but happy boout managed to transport a meeting to the beach this week! jeej! guess everything has it´s own little karma 😉


want start writing again!! would be great if could get my brainalpha in here again… wish the time could acccelareate into slower motion!! couse my mind is gonna go in distortion, unless i doo my play aplha potion!! yehea..
morning vitamin injection… 😉

Flight of the Conchords Foux Da Fa Fa’

let the music play

soo … hmm.. getting sleepless and nagging myself over rules lately.. thing is my hometown of stavanger, is trying step by step to mellow down the culture sceene and activities might have a shutdown …subtely , and this in the middle of a the city beeing the culture city of the year!! thing is they are putting up ultimatums without really solving any problems, and by my little view, hurting the very iconic sceens of the cities core culture, by tying hands on people that have for years been encoureging and nurturing a culture sceen, that undoubtedly fruited young minds and awaking others with a place of gathering and growth of new music, thuoghts and various cultural arts …these laws are targeted to lower the drinking and damping noise habits of the almighty norse fjordlandia stavanger ppl, but by limiting cultural events and leading down to a narrower sceenery and cutting of these events that nourish the spirit, i think the damage could be much larger than expected.,, sometimes we as individuals take a short way out, i dont want to refer to them as politicians, couse in the end we are all people, striving for more or less the same,and we sometimes have a need to categorize names… so but by taking an easy way out to a much bigger problem, sometimes we take paths that might be quite thuoghtless, and in the result might stop growth and evolution..i believe that culture is a part of our lives that gives us growth…threw books, music, design, arts and all the imaginary world, it is a platform for dreams and development of our inner worlds, can make comunities, groups and societies grow, some might nurture it on daily basis, some less occasionaly, but in the end it is a part of our individuality and what makes us grow from within…therefor i guess i got pretty sleepless becouse of this mail about the new rule that can come in my hometown pretty soon, becouse not only does it endanger the places where ideas and thuoghts have been created, nurtured and inspired, but it sets a new underage policy of age,, that makes 18 year olds have to wait 3 years in order to attend these cultural events, that harmlessly can inspire, make the mind wonder and enjoy, it creates a new boundry, in a way that i feel no cohesion, being 18 and not beeing alowed to conecerts, whiles otherwise entiteled to vote, have a child, get a lifetime loan, buy a house, get in the driver seat…if desired…etc, guess are acts of resposibilty, yet listning to concerts and sipping some beers in this case seems like a no no (and is it not the young and fresh blood of every generation that is the hope of tomorowness?¿) i guess as like everything in life , if one doesnt step up to own belifs, nobody will do it for u , so this is my little manifestation around this issue…just want to make myself heard here, if enyone is willing to listn in my own little way…, and maybe have a couse and effect, or not! guess its up to all of us individually…to try to make those litlle small changes, couse in the end i think its not about taking giant steps, its those little steps in life in life, guess thats what rocks my world! makes me dream for a moment and tomorrow, together with the music that will never die…in my heart..  peace amd luv


happy cristmeas and a merry new year to all and everyone, hugs to the ones flying in these days, for the reunions, the wakups, the good energies, the changes, the good flows, the dreams, for getting the best out of eachother, for sharing , listning and all the good stuf to cum, for ourelves, for eachother, for the weak and the strong, for the stars, planets and suns in our lives, and all the momeents that have past, that are now and that will be..for the eqilibriums, bearhugs and the good vibe! wish ya all the best in yaselves! hugpowers and beauty!

playplace with a view

have found a studio room can hide out at and play at this vakazione! mountain views and space! mo horizon and new energies

mohorizon- bali: mount batur

i think apart of the shouts, aiiiiiiiiiikk and tsssszzzzz from thea bloody wake up cuzz ms mum cut acccidentily half her nail of with the stupid ass razored fucking knife…aiiiicchhhhh!!! it looked like a massacre! but she´s good now! just need to point on what has to be done instead of doing .. i managed to open a window at the studio, while trying to climb to the ofllimit terrase…but the damn window fell out from the frame…whatzzzz up¿?¿? +++ (..bublegum s) other than that it could have been a normal morning.. O_o
huggo and luckycharms..

hibernation into another nation

fighting gravity..
going into strange hibernation sucktion…my hair is falling down straightly, its not puffed, like its got another gravity, im just sucked down, like someone would hammer my head…always get into this feeling when get home at some point, its like my energy level and bodymass just gets heavier, so may things want to do, ppl to contact, see, but its like i just get motionless, like a zombie…no energy leftovers, dont get the time, couse it gets dark earlier..feel misoriented, got visits that was cozy, soo tanked in like 4 coffy´s that kinda helped me out, think would be able to actually just stare in the wall, and do nothing…its like normally at this time im in a full spin in 1/3 of the day that has passed, and energies high…what if theirs just a different gravity, but feel the coffy starting to work a little!…guess in the climatization stage, was offered to go to oslo for the night, but just in a huh?¿? state was…okay so tomorow will try to wake up early and bust the gravity with tripple coffy and orangejuice vitaminas, need to zoom my energy up! dont wanna sleep threw the few days have left no no! snap it up! was thinking a couple time that could just rent a studio for some months and isolate into making the mindvisuals into reality…but would i be able to press out the same energy?¿ guess its a question of organization of some sort, getting a central flat, tripple mornin coffy, toned up musica, yellow lenses…hmm…guess all possible, whenever i set the mind to it?¿ godnights and godmornings! + can see the same yellow star from here too, thin it dying or a satalite, orion or sumethang, and theirs this wicked moon cut in half, that can see in daytime and nightime…

banda aparte