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layered design & lifestyle

yeppa peppa yeppa casa be coolleta!

so signed the contract friday nights after modificationg sume stuff and laws and rules! got key, got a bubbley bottle but had to ran of too the gomi studio 4 work..but i ended trying to comunicate with my guitar! (aim! get the groove and comunication with it and flow strings to india arie / video and the put my records on songs!)

then 48h later and many!! helping hands managed to displace all the stuff! to an attic (6 or 7th floor) and man i have a loads of stuff!!! most books and clothes for recicling redesign and sthe whole playtime studio stuff!! kinda weird in begining with ethis new space that is your house just like that.., but think will have a romantic relationSHIP with the crooked and lovely own terrasse! full moon ysterday… twinkling stars!! mmm…and supersun and LIGHT today in whole flat! man iยดv missd the light!!!!!!!!!! muakkka! and then sleepin there..with lenses in expresso cups ๐Ÿ˜‰ and the whole new way to work..getting my energy back! energy just sooo different! soo full of life…recharging!!! need to get a cam soon! have no pics from the last half year…or since san juan camera drown…hmmm..tired after all moving yet wkin up ๐Ÿ˜‰ muakka and a wish u a beautiful week ๐Ÿ˜‰

skateboard dance

imagine a stepping musical with boards, hmmm, or like a musical on wheels, but in a rough and awsome sceenery, great music amd art direction. sctratching different flows and styles together..
with this old pool, and silver wheels! yeah! and boards with 5 wheels rounded and specially constructed ramps! and sceenery video projections..! and statues stoped in time, like a jump thats just hanging there and turning…huh! could be fun…and grafitti in rd, shitt could put in some holograms in the whole thing! yeah! amd some stomp moves grooves! ever seen the sceene of hackers
where they hang out at this nightclub skatepark! need more of those playgrounds for big kids!!! one of my dreams is to make a zero gravity park in the future, where u go and fly and play with gravity…oki, back to work!

so in this new crib we hopefully will have, apart for the sunlight, space, own terasse of sun and stars will be able to scruise with my lboard to the beach! yeah! funky! funky! from airbording on couch and benches to reality!

Michael Nesmith – Cruisin’


my bedlamp is buzzing on and off! (and it went of when writing this!) it makes this fly trapped in the curtains noise! hmmm..
just thinking how amazing it is that can acess all these article and minds in a curious moment and just absorb it all in..

new home…yepa,yepa,yepa!

soo…if dreams get realized, will have the keys to a new flat friday!
movin in with urbankid and wavekid in humming down to barca from norway in january! found a home! in the center center, in the lovely streets of born! with space for a workingstudio and a big terrace to lounge at! yeah! livin with the boyz and making new dreams come true! they say that if you visualize a dream, half of the work is done, couse unconciously all works towords it..looking fwd to new spaces!
new paths, renovated energies, and beeing closer to the stars and the beach! yepa,yepa,yepa!

chilled out fantasy world

havent been soo relaxed in a long time! concentration was great and zooming at work! and when lunched had nothing in my head! mmm..nice to have days like this,cant really rember beeing in such a chilled out state! just came home, makink tacos and chillin out with some fun theories and the imaginary world…
some days a different than other, remember i met the space cowboy at the beach and were talknig bout the mayan calander, curious kiddo as i am i try to get a lot of anzwers or different points of view with the ppl i meet on my strange way of life, rememer thinking that its so weird that we are raised to the calendar we are, and what if we would be raised to a different time and calender concept? what if the monday to sunday wouldnt extist and the time would be measured in different ways? apearently (dont know if worote this bfr?) the maya calendar has different days for develoment, on a specific day u develope different skills..or that was the thory put fwd..’in
Each of the twenty days is linked to a different god in Mayan mythology [2]
Imix : ‘Crocodile’ – the reptilian body of the planet earth, or world
Ik : ‘Wind’ – breath, life. Also violence.
Akbal : ‘Night-house’ – darkness, the underworld, realm of the nocturnal jaguar-sun. Also evil.
Kan : ‘Maize’ – sign of the young maize lord who brings abundance, ripeness. Also lizard, net.
Chicchan : ‘Snake’ – the celestial serpent
Cimi : ‘Death’
Manik : ‘Deer’ – sign of the Lord of the Hunt
Lamat : ‘Rabbit’ – sign of the planet Venus, sunset.
Muluc : ‘Water’ – symbolised by jade, an aspect of the water deities, fish
Oc : ‘Dog’ – who guides the night sun through the underworld.
Chuen : ‘Monkey’ – the great craftsman, patron of arts and knowledge. Also thread.
Eb : ‘Grass’ or ‘Point’ – associated with rain and storms.
Ben : ‘Reed’ – who fosters the growth of corn, cane, and man.
Ix : ‘Jaguar’ – the night sun. Also maize.
Men : ‘Eagle’ – the wise one, bird, moon
Cib : ‘Owl/Vulture’ – death-birds of night and day. Also wax, soul, insect.
Caben : ‘Earthquake’ – formidable power. Also season, thought.
Etz’nab : ‘Knife’ – the obsidian sacrificial blade.
Cauac : ‘Rain’ or ‘Storm’ – the celestial dragon serpents and the chacs, gods of thunder and lightning.
Ahau : ‘Lord’ – the radiant sun god

talked with new mixed kids neighbours (maraokko/englan/holland) about the islam calendar, and ramadan is selebrated 2 weeks before every year couse their callendar follow the moon..
so in teh islamic calender we would be in the year 1429, wownder which calendar would be the oldest of all calendars….so apart of the milion years of evolution of life, say we woul be in the year 30046? hehe, than it would sound like were kinda old and developed civilization, hehe think its funny to think all this stuff, the what if , if and more quiestionettes and answers…’in

check this out!

so time and space has soo different roots..

bout life..

oki goona do cream tea and pirates of the carribean 3, yeah!
have a nice and beautiful night and colorful dreams!
calendar fusions and illusions,
tasty pleasures and sunshine measures
monshine lovers and abrakadabra covers ๐Ÿ˜‰