found fun wakin up stuff on u tube! want to see all in one go…another day
dicovery ch1 – daft punk
dicovery ch2 – daft punk
+++many more chapters on youtube
found fun wakin up stuff on u tube! want to see all in one go…another day
dicovery ch1 – daft punk
dicovery ch2 – daft punk
+++many more chapters on youtube
by kid koala
superheros……think we need them in our lives, their existance gives a sumethang sumethang to the soul! yes? feel the guys,..the have a loads of heroes, but the gals heros a little fewer, but guess gettin there, little by little, fun is sharing the heros…superheros, , cartoons and characters have all sumethang to give, too transmitt..starts with the parents, then the colord books and screens, friends, the alpha writers, , musicians, directors, artists and minds alike..inhabit our imaginary and fantasy world..sparkles, faires., “tingeling” (peter pans sparkle gal), magicians, goofy, plutos, lilloos, stiches, jam, transformers, the faires , mangas, the alvs, the trolls, the superwomans, supermans, batmans and robins, alladin and geenies..and magic lamps…characters we admire in our ways..good smooth criminals, diamond robbers, the adverturous, discovering,and mysterious superpowers..dorothy in the land of ozz, alice in wonderland, neverending stories, starseeker and wizards…their all just sooo important…make us dream from a young age, created by great minds, heart and souls..the comical ones, the imaginary ones, the tough ones, the kool ones, the futuristic, the old, the new, the sweet, and the lovely, the dangorous and the couragious..”the world of superheros stimulates the imagination”..the toymakers, the christmas stories,the cybergals and cyberpunks, rockabillies, holograms, projections, gorillaz, daft punk, fruits from japan, optical camuflage, superpower, gadgets, the little extra.., experimentations,transformations, the dreamy, the puzzly, the fantasy world………..
hehe, wanted to post lenny kravits as my mobile music hero on saturday night outs before in the mornin..but didnยดt…hehe just went down for a quick koffy and as my column was taken by someone else, got my eyes on a fashion suplement from “el mundo” flipped the pages, noticed the theme of heros dominating the male fashion sceen….intresting concept..fresh from the weekend after managing to see lillo and stich 2.. just something bout the imagination world…(snatched the supplement (:*) for later reading…
to be continued…
superheros and superminds and comic strips
(a spanish holiday…day off!!!!)
so had a nightmare, not this night , but the one before, cant remember last time had one, this time it was woke up 4 times after eachother…strange couse didnt feel like my dreams, but still.. made me realize that the same feeling of life and happiness for the unknown corners, is what might hount other people, couse the worst stuff guess u cant see aswell, but u can imagine them in the brain..and the unknown silence at night can be scary.. so anyways this got me thinkin bout the fact that we just close our eyes and go whrerever we go..using atleast 1/3 of our life there…(spanish people sleep 1h less than the rest of europeans) just weird to think what happens in ther, and is it just memories processing themself, getting the whole day in the system, think its pararell…getting into a different conciousness..and there are dreams u wake up from and remember them so strong..that there just soo present..and then u dream bout a strange coincidence or person, and the day after the person contacts u in some way..weird , huh..
was alone for the first time in a long time …everyone was out of the casa…music on full and doing my stuff, but was kinda lonely in the end, think am a very sociable person, am totaly dependent of life interaction…miss all familia and soul hearts..readin bout aura and telepathy…reading bout a parrot that knew all these phrases, and her owner that was having images, and the parrot managed to say which images she was looking at , 4 floors under…facts say we use such a small part of our brains, what if we can comunicate telepathicly with eachother, what if u could feel that a person is thinkin bout u, what if exchanges of thoughts would be in a space..what if it would be true, would mean they would be sincronized in some way..huh..would have to be…strange
good mornin…gettin out of bed now! have gotten some sleep! yeah!
crazy bout the 1st part …best evah!!…hehe, but have never seen this second part…weekkennddddoo movieeeee! yeaahhh! thers a nirvana remix of this pair thats amazin to … ๐ ๐ ๐
my feet are cought in the biggerst rain can remeber in barcelona, these streets are not design for this, just as it seemed the rain was over, trying to stroll back from work..with my optimistic flip flops…and got trapped in the bus…
traped in a buss…so when got out was still far away from the house…and the lighting was to hidd in a bar..with a newspaper, a book and a some wine..and read..that bladrunner just presented a new verion ending..about the bookfair in frankfurt, bout the search for happines, bout the moment, that guy from the newspaper article before stuck there in the back of the paper..(cell rings..miss sweets is on way from airport..couldnt get contact before…just came in and hoouse is empty for the fist time in 3 weeks.. itยดs was kind aweired..) okay my head is spinnig, my life is accelerating so much thought a day keeps the doctor away..hehe.., but guess been overdoin it…livin the moment.., gonna get some rest now, chill out music and sume hot water….maybe life is learning from mistakes, maybe not..just enjoying the moments, spontaously… dont really know..just feel a lot lately..
its rainig… am trapped at work with my flip flops..hmmmm
need a transportation ultrasonic vehicle now! zooom zooom..
getting vertigo…
read a great article bout a likely mind in my favorite column…
lunching and disovering..
then lunching and disovering thoughts with sherry man …thoughts that make one weak and strong…silver andtomonio science of muscles and what keeps them strong..the balance, european program of doctors studying that our muscle held together by depending on the person a different metal..huh..enjoying new inputs..
my soulpainter friend has gone home… ๐ lookin fwd to the next great time together ๐ thanx for the soultalks! bearhugs! amsterdamette is flying in today night…havent had this kind of visit string since can remeber…