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layered design & lifestyle


a diary thing is a way to get all those little thoughts out of the head, whoevr, whichever, however shape they have, just to see them stickin on a page, and not letting them out keeps them shrivelin in there…would actually a great gift to give to ppl, a book with blank pages they can fill in…bust them in there! ..sometimes the creative sessions might appear by night.. when everyone is alseep, and the mind is awake…..ghostbusters and diaryforce and chill out music..

autum chills

rememberin doing the theory of chaos collection, and playin with the feeling of the grey contrasted with the bright basic colorpalette!l liked that contrast! they colors got the best out of eachother! felt grey was the order, and the brights symbolized the chaos and life…..once a teacher wanted me to die the collction all grey…color it all in greytones…but refusedm have many times gone against the established and nurturing own belifs..

sometimes feel i need to fly away…find some time for myself, do some soulsearchin..find my belifes …take a look on the dreams, and dream up new ones…what should be changed..
find the new colors .. discover a new force, the evolution of the self..thinkin maybe going to visit my friend rikke for a month in trondheim,norwaylanda …one month soon..just to see it all threw some fresh vibes!

everybody has their own ways…sometimes i count 2 seconds before i leav the door of my house,,,just to se the changing impact.. i would in these 2 seconds now that i would miss or value from the new time changed…like walking in paralleled time, noticing what i would see..and what you actually see
in that second…

there is always something i wannaredesign in this world…sometimes even if its only inside of ones head, just dreaming away. some of those dreams are maybe not for realization…some of them I just have something to bealive in..somettthing i kan keep in my heart..
and its like when stay there, they have a couse and effect.., and the whole system gets infuenced …reflects it…couse the unconcius mind is creating opportunities from some of these thoughts to be out there..become reality..its like a big mind game puzzle. even if you cant puzzle the whole picture together, the pieces already exist..if they fit? well..sometimes not..sometimes yeah , but they always mutate, change.. but these can create small images, maybe abtract..and u get a litlle piece of the puzzle.

As long as the mind is a thinking one..there is life! playing with the thought of trying to find anything in the universe that is absolutly static, unmoveble, without any kind of movement.. and asking ppl if they knew one….havent found it ..every little second creates some kind of movement, havent discovered anythang completly static…

took some minutes of, windy and cold today…this chilly autum feelin..r…2 yasmine flowers fell down at my table,from a builing maybe..was kinda weird, great smell…no flower trees above though.. all while flippin threw a book bout a kind of emptiness of the soul…hmmm..

met up with friends of rikke that just came..and drank a little wino before hittin home without a key..again..
think the city has a this amazin energy, people just get totaly clumsy, i dont know, maybe its in my head,,,but the urban visual sceenery is rich on flavors! colored dogs..cristmas ties hangin on walls during summer, the pople livin in nthe streets, the tinman taking a coffy in a bar, a chef massaging a customer, and the expressions of the poeple noticing it! nothing like walkin threw the center and havin some good music to create some mental videos…

and got a pic of a dragonfly that got stuck in the buildin, they are kinda funky..they just have their own weird little style…and they have these metalic wings! this kinda in silk steel thing over them..

birthsday wishes

coudlnt really sleep.. today is my matti´s birtsday! (the baby bro) wish u the very best! wish u heart smiles and you have an amazing new year with great moments, new and old dreams in the heart and all those stuff that matter tu yu! happy bithsday kiddo! great people around and loads of soul light! bearhugs

different crystal waves

lovely mist still there!…magic happens in the mornins when the sun lavitates into the skies and gives a kiss..

thinkin about the concept of time, and its not really lineal, think its more paralell, its kinda layered, like pickin up where u let go in each situation, person , moment, paralles time evolution,, and they overlap dance over eachother at times! anyways, ..time is dynamic, ech day it has a different rythm….and its what we visualize it to be…

there are people and situations that mark you as on this place planet, that just get under your skin,shake something up! most of time unexpectedlty.. and life changes to a different plane… spread over geograficly distance.. mindclosne friends, or sometimes strangers..they are the ones that change your perspective, or make yoiu modify it all in a different way, like scratching old realities to something new…u just know they change you! mark u …and hopefully make u evolve…make u reconnect with yourself..and insipire… up…lovely… :)..make you feel and change..

rainbow of emotions down here…would be nice to create a feeling ___ dictionary of some sort .. the feeling u get when the sun wakes up and the sea starts dancin and the sound swooooshejjjes…slowlely..or when u see all those people u are crazy bout, come together at one point and totaly connect naturally…and party together like it would be the last dance! the suprixzed feeelings, the syncro ones, the crazty ones, the twisted, the hurt, the rejected , the courageous, the strong, the waek, the changing, the lovely, the dreamy, the good, the curious, the different, the visual, the plasureble, the unconcious, the strange, the doubtful, the unknown, the hardcore butterflies of life… a feelin coctail u get drunk on…

family crew crashed this weekend so a full house and action non stop.. nice to hang out on terrasse, have some mindleisure think thank connection time and mindflow withya…just have this urge to write… bout crystals, waves, flovs, gravities, flow, organic forms, music,, bubbles, nature lines, blobjects, sincronazation, coinidences, lyrics, reflections, fluids, visualizavion, dreams, uncounciousness, vibez, energies, telepatics, curiocities..changin times…places, travels, surfin, kitin, snowing, .. hhehe, ended up surfing the city benches on sunrise…was thinkin wil make a photo session with dreamin of images….with my new plaster tees wanna make soon ….girl with closed eyes flying on a table, with wiwind blowin from fane, surfin the couch, bathtub with salt and runnin water, and other funny visual home situation….meet this crazy gal some weeks ago that was surfin at parties with the ironingboard…hehe..should make a tribute… 🙂 natural imagine sincroos

..litnin to japanese lounge 50´s music

transparent mental pleasures, mindshares & creativemists

hello world!

sooo, i have decided to put some alpha out there! I have recently been designing a comunnity,that will be out end of year! with a great crewette!…it has been taking over my social antennas a little bit! the mac has eaten me up! it has chewed me up! it has dovouered me like a mean gigantic horrorrific spider.. but it was kinda fun 😉

lately just been posting videos on this blog! mainly got kinda hooked on u tube and all the great songs! sorry dear blogg …i know i have playlist i could use over there, but wanted to share some of the tunez! pretty great old stuff out there! and i just got easily utubeaholicolized! veryyy goood! ojojoj! what was that song again! and take off…swosjj into the music space and then you bite a little on the lyrics! and the u find some lyrics you wanna crack the metaphores with, and then u dream away or end up mindtwisted, confused looking a a little bit kookoo…

…tomorow i will take a day off ! tomorow i have a new day of chaotic sensations crashin all systems of everydayness! ohh tomorow! jabadabadoo! yes! and i get a visitors from another country! yeaaah! my great soulshineer rikke! and this the weekend there are many many freebie concerts all around the city, atleast 50! (and patrice is playing!!!)! so gonna take complete advantage of that supah surround system! and maybe my crazy little family will crash over this weekend for the events from over another land..(unknown untill last minute..;)

have currently ran out of cigs, (almost quit last week, 4 non smokin days, wow) have a tremendesly slow net connnetion here in barcelonalandia, and have been bitten by a mosquito in the face! and wanted to share this with somebody since my flatshare´rs are asleep and workin at different location!!

i am very happy to manifest that there lately there are appearing plasters (band aids) around walls with cracks in the walls as a intent to help this little planet 😉 the small things in life that make one happy :)…hmmm

just wanted to thank all u freaky, creative and lovely peoples i have found during my life and for crashing together on the same galaxy/mind space though! yepp! some residencts, and some that hang out ocasionally… luv ya all

have a fun stash of books lately! have finally found a new great book about mess, the history of it and all the advantages of mess! straight to the heart! not thories of chaos! just complete mess! and another bout science of happiness, and then just finished this scar tissue one by anthony kidding 😉 (the singer from red hot chilli peppers) and his adventures! and then inbeetween all those weird science mags with all those questions and answers mags bout life, and then pleated in the meaning about liff by douglas adams!
he cracks me up in the metros every mornin, he actually made a dicctionary bout all those weird and acward and crazy lttle situations and things in life, and gave them names! and then u end laughin in a closed area with a loads of peoples and they give u this eyebrowed funny looking looks! hehe!

the other day i saw this big green bug that makes music with his legs..dont remeber how it`s called, but he was featured in some disney movie…want to remember…hmmm…..GRASHOPPER or a variation or something, and it just didnt want to shoow away, keep gettin back in the flat was kinda nice?!?** and then i read that those little things simbolized renewal in the ancient egyptian times! was kinda cool that got across this text the same week! someone should really make a childrens movie bout cockroaches! so that they could kill the phobia of that horrible walking monsters! make them more freindly in some way! like pointin up some positive weired stuff from under al that jeaaksksss juuuuuh grrrr yeaaak! … outta here, have some insomnia from the nicotine or just after beeing a buzzing bee all day! gonna hide into my books! and take a good loooong coffy and orange juice mañana! mmmm… and more dreaming time! have been investigating how ppl fly in their dreams…have to take that reaserch up again… was really fun to see who flies and how! heheh, i have a problem starting…i tend to struggle like this clumsy bird to get up there in the space, and then i flow around, but have to flap the arms occationally! many people fly like supermans and they just start from the spot, others just float! kinda crazy, would be nice to investigate whrere it all comes from,get deeper and deeper, but then again, would get time for all the other thoughts! well, gonna try to find some balance in all thos thoughts! wonder if anyone is ever ever gonna read this? maybe should pass the link? imagine if somone would get too confused, or just fall asleep? shit! well it could be funny, maybe they would fly away…ok, this is getting to weird…good night writing program, mr mac or whoever might be kookoo enough to reada this! beautiful dreams forever..