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layered design & lifestyle

discovered podcast

hello world!

just got across the wired world of podcasts!
think this has some future!! less tv and more podcast!
would be great to podcast p8, there are no limitos!!
think in the future of portable video is more closer, as to the voice podcast, its kinda creative, couse u create ur own canvases in the mind! radio stations for everybody!now u can host ur own tv and radiostations!
check out for talks

friday jazz


feel need more sleep couse my mind going bananas over more sleeping-processing time!ended up processing over a beer with ana and came to the conclusion that many funny people out there in this world, and going back to the theory of chaos! and the beauty of everyday suprize makes it al worth while! 😉
ps: take a look at the organic lines the beer espuma makes next time u take a beer! met this film director, that after one beer was also selling nordic jewlery and doing tarrots! tried to figure out things about this profesion, but didn´t quite get there! came to the conclusoin with ana that isted of nowing more about yourself in the magical ways of these arts, were going to enjoy it more discovering who we are day by day!in the end thats the beauty of everyday life!in the end everyday changes our memory and parts of our mind, the beautiful theory of chaos!

jazz in ferlandina and beers at oddland

tasty meeting

had a tasty food and creative talkes to bring in fashion design in this new resturant, think the concept of exposition is creative and fun, would like to present a zero gravity dress with helium within, put have to see the time!!

creative puzzle

had a creative dinner, and by the puzzle of coincidence got invitet to a dinner about exposing new designers in a resturant in raval,jpiipi!great company and in the mood for love soudtrack in the background
credits raul morales

on pic my beautiful man!

galicia, spain 28oct-01nov

amazing girl triop to tokyolandia 28oct-01nov


had an amazing trip with the girls to la coruña aka tokyolandia
created a blog – postcard from tokyolandia

playground part2

have a meeting about doing my final skool projects next week
with the chiefs of ied, great energy if manage to work 4 months with p8 and take it all a step further!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heres a secret preview of the site,husjjjj

pixi shirts

made this little stamp with this system that invented back in ’02 for tshirt, its a octpussy gone elephant!!

and here are past experimentations made quite a time ago…

