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layered design & lifestyle



spontanious night outs, and appointed runs for brainscan yeaterdays…due tu my ironic allergy.. or the spraypaint? dunt know, i just had a strange bubble feeling in the head , and needs checkouts..was kinda freaky to be scanned by this strange and semi silent machina and headstate,.. hope all good…but now i have this pic of my scull that is just a visual proof of where the action takes place..tea seems like a good option now…i dont like tea before nightfall, and onli if its light..or carmelized..babble out




cup of tea by Li Xiaofeng

tea dreass guy from tea tatoo



class of 78 by serialcut

i woke up with the word “eloquent” in my head and and a smell melancholy  from a street in new jersey! whatzz up?

There´s something funky viewing works like serialcut, it has this augmented reality feel, kinda real, but not really, i saw surrogates the other day…anyways these works just looks like someone really enjoyed themselves in the process…and they all look like delicious eye candy and they gravitize …so what is creative inspiration? here is two views on the case;

“Funny how the mind works. The visions that come in like a flood, the blocks that temporarily immobilize, the defeats that send us back to the proverbial drawing board, the triumphs of fitting the pieces of the puzzle together, the satisfaction that comes with knowing something is right. The mind lurches, stalls, sprints, strolls, stifles, flows. We so often ask “What do you think?” while neglecting to ask the more interesting question, “How do you think?”” me more



animated gif threw phantomoftheradio and old pic from unknown source and artist

audioreactive – magneto from jorinna on Vimeo.

as fred astaire danced in the rain inside the black box,  I used to playdance as a kid in the livingroom! I always  wanted to start stepdancing, and even found a school 2 years ago, but still  posponed that first lesson… Makes me mindloop of the great mashup music that is coming out with that rustic sound mixed with todays composer cuts… what makes us like some beats and sundwaves over others?  how is our attraction to frequencies…theres great book of the subject of our brain on music…by link and link soundmunching

Synesthesia from Terri Timely on Vimeo.



NASA tools and X

so my site was on blackout for a day/night, but  thanx 2 my coder the talented mr urbankid,that performed his operation its back and alive! I visualized something awsume i wanted yesterday, it was straight in the bulleye!  Thinks I  need to keep in focus to move towords it, that can be a buzz when full tank motivated, and difficult with digital noise around! But i have a carrot and if i get it guess depends on my own efficiancy and asskick! reading this connected book in between …”long term happiness depends 50% on a persons genetic set points, 10% on circumstances…and 40% and what they choose to think and do..” christakis & today im just trying to stay focused and of nicotine and on honeywater is mindcrossing…

“But how do you “tune in” to just one thought or idea and ignore all the rest of what is going on around you, until it comes time to think of something else? more on brain filter




eyescapes by rankin and  camera via here

“Imagine if you could look at something once and remember it forever. You would never have to ask for directions again. Now a group of scientists has isolated a protein that mega-boosts your ability to remember what you see…further read

but wouldn´t one go crazy if could remember all the details? what would u want to remember more? from the thought u forgot? visual memory labirinth curiocity *o!o*



curious little make by judith clark, second skin threw differnt mediums.”Marquetry is the craft of forming a decorative panel of veneers composed of shaped sections of wood veneer …”

Just thinking… how we sometimes change the view, a persective on the whole.. on stuff that roots in the mind the system…how it all  suddenli seems different…. lighter…replacing views ..

when we get inspired…how we actually get inspired.. that couses us to act…and how the shapes and volumes in the lifo come together…what buzzes the soul antannas on individual levels?  and motivates  action paktion satisfaction *=!=*

1.01.2010 10:10 move


snapped from blackandwhite

is´t funny but this year when look back have a feel it more back on the 10 years, the era beginusus of the new millenia, i have a good feel in this one, and have been looking fwd to it, was actually the first time wanted to hang at home just to be ready and fresh but ended stirring it all around … strange and funni places and faces scenarios jumps and everything mashed up… i like it already a lot, i missed the 3..2…1…but guess my clumsiness still flolows me into this one, and there was a full moon!! i kinda feel lucky …it like we are from the future…its just feels fresh.. a courageous and challanging year to anyone who reads this! and a eyehug! + ps, i have updated the banner incase one reads this threw reader or rss feeds



Egyptrixx – Start from the Beginning from Datdatdat / A. N. Fischer on Vimeo.

eggplummed by daquar

Sometimes i just get stuck.. its like a glitch i can´t get out of, i loop and its just no way out, its all grey, pavement like, and paper dry, and i get more grey on myself for beeing grey, and then i got this feel of biting something, and i dont think my teeth are growing out, just get my head in this stuupid box.. and everything sucks, untill i let it go and reach out..then i get colors in again, its like someone  just colored me in… like a coloring book…thank you..



why a space odyssey? from stefan hvostik on Vimeo.

Near Sighted from Renaud Duval on Vimeo.

2001 space odisea is charming the plasma with its amazing photography shots!!!! While i´m overlapping on mac and connecting to networks and investigating on new places,and in nearsight visulas found this visual gravity jewel by Renaud Duval. The exitment of 2010 lurks in my system, its like 200o was a inclination towords something newer and unknown, but 2010 just seems ready for open minded xange, don´t know but just have this good feel about this one, and damn it sounds so futuristic and so close! <3 and i just got an acient clock on a chain…never liked watches, but really wanted a one like this…it has a swosjiii tik tak sound, and stops if i don´t twist the knob




homeflaked by  osborn design & matthew northridge

From writings on births, stars, wise men and tributes to sun gods in the more ancient Deela-Malkh threw newer reunites and saint cluauses, hanging out and >> forwarding  to << rewinding,  ll pausing and  > playing together, everyone with our own little stories.. belated yet all the best wishes  these holidays *=!=* …and its snowing outside, just as it seemed its was all melting away…*O!o*