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layered design & lifestyle

in the world of luc besson´s angelA

hanging in with ms mums…red wino and within a mind of a raw moment snatcher (photographic catcher) sometimes we find a movie that get deeper mmm.. that u can feel…beyond the first layers of the onion (..)… inner fights, energies and changes, we all have our battles..and feelinugs that makes us weaker and stronger…discovering everythingsContinue reading “in the world of luc besson´s angelA”


caraboo´s at j´ms house all week! (my mac ) want write when get home already! get my mails! have all these sheets of paper with thoughts going on lately…just need time and my digital caraboo to plasmate them down…..loads of stuff happening .. signs. situiations …and many thoughts and sensation ..senses are awake….going to romeContinue reading “caraboo”