As zero gravity of bouncing and slow motion movements exists, along with the gravity we are used to here on earth, what about other gravities? is there a +1, +20 gravity, is our gravity in the middle? and what would it be the middle of? would we be supersonicly fast in +1 gravity, or compressedContinue reading “in the middle”
Tag Archives: blue
Falling asleep with a bunch under the sky addicted on old movies seen last when could barely speak, with visitors and new inputs and much comedy from the homeyland, makes us transport to the other realities for a little while, from the other side of the movemented snatchers in plasma coats, a spikee lee movieContinue reading “cineclimatic”
“audio driven landscape”
How does that first song of the day effect the rest of the days flowscape? Audio-generated landscape from flight404 on Vimeo. more at flight404 blog
made by lunocet snatched threw nextnature
half full or empty splash?
enjoyment and quality of life can be taken in in duo strategies as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi puts it, One is that the external factors are in position with our goals, and the other the other is change our experience of the exteraal to adapt them to our goals! what say thou??? complexity of the human conciousness!Continue reading “half full or empty splash?”
spike up or bubble down?
by bart hess
Glacier hug
Flipping threw pages on flickr on glaciers, many visual islands to cover.. nature freezing, melting and shaping into huggable frozen archi-techonic flowzy villages, with colors and tones that chill and raw the planets landescapes, there was one that stood out, here´s something to this glacier feel that melts it for mi visual antennas source: flickrContinue reading “Glacier hug”
blueberry sky breeze
Sitting here, while friends siestaing and refueling for night… Enjoying the sky breeze and wifisurf alimentation… Stars shinig and sky very darkblue, above there is some strange mixture of african and asian fusion sounds, and the clouds are kinda pinkish..all the lights on the other rooftops are muuted, and venus is hanging out again…It createsContinue reading “blueberry sky breeze”