Nokta . from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.
Tag Archives: cream
by ISAR In the missing on my lovely and funky books that are packed in boxes in a sunny part of Europe…Just got a special delivery from graaand friend with snacks to feed the curious hunger of science. Did a scientiic/design thesis back in 2003… The last conclusion shouting at the theory of chaos IContinue reading “INTERWEAVED”
puzzled generation
are we? is me? parallel puzzlers? multilayered thinkers? spiderweb souls? geharddemetz has some sculpts that somhow makes me buzz a thought round that, triggered by almostvelvet
found this marshmellow threw the design blog and had to hang on my wall, a gigantic pillow wall? why dont we have elastic walls? are the surfaces we walk on to hard for our feet anatomy?one of the huggeble design projects that has crossed my eyeballs! check out more innovation sensation by matsysdesign
creamy blues
from the visual munch of dvein Dvein: F5 Titles from F5 on Vimeo.
retro cream
can the past be modified by present, and future the now? nadia planted.. retrocausuality mindweaving threw, can some people only see in 2d? whoot dimension is cut out?
flowzy string interiorizingcream
elbe philharmonik to open gates in 2012, hamburg. visuals seem quite floxy,.. vitual tour clicking here