via iso50 CASSIUS/sound of violence /and secret–sun–II by tanya johnston
Tag Archives: retro futura
After moving away from my BCN homey crib, I´m notice the impact of the sun and the streetvibe, I always filled my energy tanks just taking a walk on those streets, and zooming with my mental cam,used to looking strangers in the eyes ..smiles, observe and see funny rarieties that makes it fun. I missContinue reading “STREET VIBE”
visulized by pandayoghurt relexing back i wouldn´t change the past, s retro casuality does backflips, would u?
whatz thee perspective on perspective? :P
fantastic worlds of david schleinkofer
retro cream
can the past be modified by present, and future the now? nadia planted.. retrocausuality mindweaving threw, can some people only see in 2d? whoot dimension is cut out?
back to front or front to back, as siding in timezones, the retro ambasador iso50 posted some of these retro futurettes that had to re-copied from the expo of 67, off the record, have been painting lately, and many geometria traianglia spiked grids, somhow a metaphora for connections and relation-ships, triangled grids..
retro futura anime
Justice – DVNO from Freedom Record on Vimeo. retro f illustrations
timeless sound
Glacier hug
Flipping threw pages on flickr on glaciers, many visual islands to cover.. nature freezing, melting and shaping into huggable frozen archi-techonic flowzy villages, with colors and tones that chill and raw the planets landescapes, there was one that stood out, here´s something to this glacier feel that melts it for mi visual antennas source: flickrContinue reading “Glacier hug”