got this link from the great 3d puzzler and visualizer Jean Calofirescu, apart from memories being stored, wonder how the social media and the pool of info actually works on our brains, how we link it, go back and forth on info, multitask, which libulas brainacus gets effected and how? and the acceleration of customizedContinue reading “VIRAL VIRTUALIA”
Tag Archives: silk metal
still strange for me to digest that we have so much water particles, and insted of a mass, its just tiny pieces glued to form what the senses perceive, if u could just change into different shapes for a day, how would they be? And if you would magically shapeshift to a raindrop (which startedContinue reading “PARTICLED”
Homey recharge makes ready for relaunch? (soul candy…) a customized visual to dorothy in the land of oz – there´s no place like home quote, something fragile and beautifully strong with this cacooned visual candy phantom! Trying to fix this blog up a little, give it a little lift, little by little – sharp upContinue reading “HOMEY RECHARGE”
reality check
Woke up suuuuuper early today, with the thoughts about reality in my head with a sharp half moon in the sky, i considered options of sleeping more or nut, with the skylamps turned off outside, get a little fuzzy with the timing. with lack of light outside, but then knowladedge of that the break ofContinue reading “reality check”
pics of belin artwork at montana gallery How much mind elasticity does each person have? How much mind flexing does one do? And does the elasticity change from person to person? Flexicity, elasticity, stretching own limits to new heights, how much are we willing to stretch? What makes us stretch to new outer limits? HowContinue reading “Flexsicity”
I dont know, once in the while the brain gets a extra muscle working in there and all suddenly all feels brighter and wider…today is one of them, just singing in the cold… I think were all fighting with something, and yeah in the arts we get it out on, but i know were aContinue reading “hellou”
the nature of my space today..
This week has been quite a nutter, think yings yangs have been dragging me on a rollercoaster of human nature, many exterior stuff that makes mi mind go a little bazooka, from airy conversations to a very strange little old sophisticated homeless ladette that I in some way, ended inviting to my home, and learningContinue reading “the nature of my space today..”
The wake ups and balancing spider
Opening pupils first round at 7 and, right before boys came home from hip hops I was waking up to the early hop hop start of the day. In the between’s, to the new moon and the night turning day. I find the early morning mist switch stitch stretching itself, and birds slowly blowing theirContinue reading “The wake ups and balancing spider”
sleepsing away thee flue
soo, after a fullblown week of work and mornig dosage of the best mornig shakes ever (melon, watermelon and honay)energy reload after adventures on new islands… i enjoyed the empty house, and my own thoughts and getting mi braino together and amongs other.. yet at some moment decided to escape to a more sunny enviromentContinue reading “sleepsing away thee flue”
so , yes, need too get some alpha alpha down here in ciberspace, from all the days going bannanas lately and the definite therory that no normallity exists in this world (and the fact that if a pesron would tag himself as normal, already proves the opposite) i am trying to get some lines downContinue reading “helluu”