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layered design & lifestyle


sometimes we end up in our own bubbles.. others watching them makes us happy and childish, others makes us dream away…then the are tiny and dangerous ones we celebrate with that go straight into our heads,…how many bubbles are you floating in? one way or the other theres something beautiful with the bubble…. Bubbles fromContinue reading “bubbled”

Camera perspectives

Came past these dancing little one´s while googling for the ear forms…one flowzy bodypart cuming up!!! Morning brain heads, just loving the moments of bedding!!! cool how one start´shrinking thinking about nightdream visuals and it and then the other hidden dream just pop´s up… huh..yepp, been busy jumping -flying- fast fwd cruising in the planetContinue reading “Camera perspectives”

blueberry sky breeze

Sitting here, while friends siestaing and refueling for night… Enjoying the sky breeze and wifisurf alimentation… Stars shinig and sky very darkblue, above there is some strange mixture of african and asian fusion sounds, and the clouds are kinda pinkish..all the lights on the other rooftops are muuted, and venus is hanging out again…It createsContinue reading “blueberry sky breeze”

milkyway lounge

one day would like to smack together..the mmilyway lounge…bookshop with quite the jewletts on design books-yeah! could just hang there for a lifetime…one time ways wanted to open a kida bookshop with all these gadgets for making things, with great urban art on walls and chill out zone,with hamaks, inspiational boks and mags, a kindaContinue reading “milkyway lounge”