(thougts) gridsphere by mars-1
Tag Archives: soul candy
after moment snatching pics of fluffy clouds, sunset surfs, lobster closeups, instant caravaning and forestal sparkles on sunday, decided to click the camera more often of these fluffy oddities!! cacoon the camera in them! posted on clouds before (…) digg how they change in different climatic zones, just came across these puffs currrenly known asContinue reading “COTTON BALLS”
Homey recharge makes ready for relaunch? (soul candy…) a customized visual to dorothy in the land of oz – there´s no place like home quote, something fragile and beautifully strong with this cacooned visual candy phantom! Trying to fix this blog up a little, give it a little lift, little by little – sharp upContinue reading “HOMEY RECHARGE”