choppedliver and Helmut Lang where to play,make, breathe next..?
Tag Archives: wood
Egyptrixx – Start from the Beginning from Datdatdat / A. N. Fischer on Vimeo. more visual moments by estelle hanania *uped
by ISAR In the missing on my lovely and funky books that are packed in boxes in a sunny part of Europe…Just got a special delivery from graaand friend with snacks to feed the curious hunger of science. Did a scientiic/design thesis back in 2003… The last conclusion shouting at the theory of chaos IContinue reading “INTERWEAVED”
hoberman sphere
kinetic zoom
There is something bout the kinetics land, attraction to movement, structure, the spiral movement? the perspectives?slowmotion? found this visualina and think its pretty neat!! “Kinetic art is art that contains moving parts or depends on motion for its effect” wikipedia